BIPOC Mental Health Month
In 2008, Congress officially allocated June as BeBe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month to enhance public awareness of mental illness, especially within minority communities.

Minority Mental Health Month originated from a book written by Bebe Moore Campbell titled “72 Hour Hold.” The book is about the author’s struggle with her daughter, Maia Campbell, who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Bebe Moore Campbell noticed that there was a lack of understanding and support for mental illness within minority communities. She wanted to raise awareness and eliminate the stigma surrounding mental illness, particularly within the African American community. In 2008, the US House of Representatives officially recognized July as Minority Mental Health Month in honor of Bebe Moore Campbell’s work.
Initially, Minority Mental Health Month was recognized in June, but in 2008, the resolution to recognize it was introduced in July. The reason for the change was that July was the month that Bebe Moore Campbell passed away from brain cancer. It was seen as a way to honor her legacy and continue the work that she had started. Today, Minority Mental Health Month is recognized in July, and organizations and individuals use this month to raise awareness and educate others about the importance of mental health within minority communities.
Event organized by PI Clinical Services in Dallas, Texas
owned by Dr. Stacia’ Alexander, LPC-S